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專題演講I 主講人

林騰蛟Teng-Chiao Lin

Dr. Teng-Chiao Lin is the Administrative Deputy Minister of Education in Taiwan. He used to serve as the former Director General of Department of Technological and Vocational Education, Commissioner of Department of Education in New Taipei City and other positions. Dr. Lin has actively implemented several policies relative to VET, including: (a) Open up advanced education opportunities for technological and vocational students; (b)Start comprehensive high school and set up experimental course; (c) Reform the enrollment of vocational schools and promote diverse education program; (d) Establish the concept of certifications’ value equals to diplomas’ value; (e) Enhance technological and vocational education propaganda and remove people’s traditional bias to gain identification from the society.
專題演講II 主講人

Michael Heister

德國聯邦職業教育及訓練署(BIBB) 第三部門主任

Michael Heister為德國波恩-萊茵-錫格應用技術大學的榮譽教授,教授人力資源管理課程。自2009年起,擔任德國聯邦職業教育及訓練署「職業教育教學、國家型方案及前導計畫」部門主任,負責業界職業訓練中心、永續發展、滲透性勞動人力、雙軌技職教育、遠距教學、全國職業教育訓練計劃、學校與職場轉銜等。
Michael Heister is Honorary Professor at the University Bonn-Rhein-Sieg teaching human resource management. Since December 2009 he is head of department “Vocational Teaching and Learning, National Programmes and Pilot Schemes” in the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Bonn. His department covers topics like intercompany vocational training centres, sustainable development, permeability, dual studies, distance learning, national lighthouse projects in the field of VET and transition from school to work.
專題演講III 主講人

Helena Koskinen

Helena Koskinen女士為芬蘭坦佩雷職業學院主任,該校是芬蘭最大的職業學院之一。Koskinen女士具有許多專業學位證書,如商業及管理職業資格證書、森林國際學士學位、國際師資教學資格證書等;並與商業及工業領域有共同合作經驗,參與各種國家型及國際型的職業教育相關計畫,為坦佩雷地區在芬蘭國內與國際間有關職業教育與訓練交流活動的代表。
Helena Koskinen [M.Sc (Education)] is the director of vocational education in Tampere Vocational College Tredu that is one of the biggest vocational colleges in Finland. She has taken several degrees: Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration, International B.Sc. in Forestry and International Teacher´s pedagogical qualification. She has collaborated with business and industrial sectors and participated in various both national and international projects in vocational education field. She represents vocational education and training of Tampere Region in national and international connections.
專題演講IV 主講人

Lázaro Moreno Herrera

Lázaro Moreno Herrera教授為斯德哥爾摩大學教育系職業教育及訓練研究團隊負責人,曾於歐洲、中美洲、美國、澳洲、馬來西亞及日本等國擔任訪問學者及客座教授。研究領域主要包括:(a)前期職業訓練與技術教育的實踐美感教育;(b)從文化歷史理論探析技職教育問題;(c)教育政策議題的跨國研究。
Professor Lázaro Moreno Herrera is the scientific leader of the research group Vocational Education & Training (VET/YL) at Stockholm University, Sweden. He has also worked as guest lecturer, visiting scholar and guest researcher in universities across different countries. His publication covers the three areas: (a) practical-aesthetical education with focus on early vocational training and polytechnic education, (b) cultural historical theory, in specific the use of activity theory in understanding educational problems within practical and early vocational education, and (c) cross-national studies of education with focus on policy issues and equity.
專題演講V 主講人

Athippatai Potang

Athippatai Potang博士現任職於泰國技職教育委員會辦公室(OVEC)轄下的人力職能發展局,曾代表OVEC出席許多區域性與國際會議論壇,並致力於發展東南亞國協國家區域內的技職教育與培訓師資標準及企業內部培訓師標準。Athippatai Potang博士在技職教育與訓練的專業及積極參與,為強化技職教育與培訓之人力發展帶來重要的貢獻。
Dr. Athippatai Potang is currently the Human Resource Officer, Professional level of Bureau of Personnel Competency Development under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC).Dr. Athippatai has represented OVEC in various regional and international conferences. He also involved in the development of Regional Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Teacher Standard and Standard for In-Company Trainers in ASEAN Countries. His active engagement and expertise in TVET brings in important value to strengthen the TVET Personnel development.
專題論壇 引言人

夏惠汶 Hsia Hui-Wen

Dr. Hui-Wen Hsia is the founder of the Kai Ping Culinary School and has been awarded honorary fellowship of the AAC. He has devoted himself to vocational education for over 40 years and has successfully raised the profile of vocational education. Drawing on his practical experience in education, Dr. Hsia has pioneered the innovative PTS pedagogy. He evolved the concept of "Guanxiology" after examining the interactions and relations between parents, teachers and students, and this distinctive new approach has led to Kai Ping being the only culinary school in Taiwan to be awarded the Recognition of Quality Culinary Education by the WACS